Whatssss upper!!! [lol], remember the bob wig I purchased? well it arrived a long time ago and its adorable!! I was going to post sooner but I completely was side tracked. I thought to take pictures so you could see what it looks like on!Its not fully on my head in the pics, I didn't wrap my hair under...Just put it on for yall to see what it looked like. I can't wait to rock it, lately I've been so into the short cuts and long bobs with blunt bangs. I won't cut my actual hair because I'm growing it out so with this wig I could rock the look I want without actually cutting it. Especially since its really hot where I live. Here it is. Tell me what you all think! :D
Just a few minuetes ago I found this lady by the name of misskrisnew and I fell in love with her hair! Reasons why I did: She's one of the few people [so far] on Youtube that has a similar hair texture with me, and length so the styles she does could highly work for me as well. She's made this video called Natural hair:Supa Fly High Puff which I am gawking over because the puff she did is AHHHMAZZING. Yall I never knew how to do that string thing to your puff trick, I'd simply do a pony tail holder and call it a day. But I can't wait to try this on my hair. I'm still in a sew-in I have almost a month to go and I'm taking this bad boy out. Don't get me wrong I like the sew-in and how I could add heat and it doesn't mess up my actual hair and all, but I miss my natural hair! ;[[ The volume and the kinks and curls. The bananna clip fro hawk I'd do. Ain't knowthin like my real hair. 2 years ago I would have never been saying this. As I think back at it now on how I didn't like my natural hair. I didn't know how to take care of it and didn't know what I was missing out on. Misskrisnew youtube account
Que tal everyone? Lordy Lordy, been a few weeks since my last post!!!! Ugh let me tell you I've had so much to do and so much on my mind... I didn't know what to write about to be quite honest. I've been reading those books I ordered from amazon remember? They are so good.
I also started a group of friends where I let them read my books lol under two conditions, don't ruin my books and return them BACK to me. So other than reading I've been focused on school which is where my head should be right? And also my Faith and relationship with Christ, I'm working on reading the bible more often. I really want to start reading it everyday. Even if I read just one scripture I'll be happy. So I'm back and in action on here. Sorry to neglect yall.