So I washed my hair a few days ago and took pics, wanted to show you my new growth. I can't wait for my perm to grow out. Perms make my curly hair wavy and I CAN'T stand it!
My roots are so thick I can't put my hair into a ponytail good enough.
Me with my Black pride t-shirt. It was too big when I ordered it, but it worked in my favor. So my sister (A'keiba) cut it for me, and I love off the shoulder tees alot anyways :].
So school starts for me in less than two weeks. I'm looking forward to it, because this is my last year until I'm able to go and pursue my dreams. My plans for this school year is to stay really focused, but not stress myself out. I hope that I stay on the right track, and make the best grades ever. I was never a "popular" kid so I know that will never become an issue for me, heck I hardly have any friends